- American Press Association (APA) seeks to safeguard freedom of expression and personal privacy against government restrictions.
- We welcome a free and unrestricted information throughout the globe.
American Press Association membership consideration is predicated upon a brief phone interview.
Suffragettes at Capitol opening of Congress in Washington, DC © 1913 APA

Submission from around the world
The American Press Association (APA) encourages multiple submissions from citizens around the world who want to share their various viewpoints journalistically and photographically.
All submissions to APA are judged by their professionalism and timeliness as to their newsworthy relevance, artistic expression and technical merit.
We encourage an active dialogue from all our members and non-members. This site is not just for the academic and the established press; it is for any citizen who feels s/he has a story, image or video of substance and importance to share with others. American Press Association Facebook page is an open venue for anyone to express his opinion and share a story. Keep in mind that all submitted suggestions are governed by Facebook terms.
APA welcomes and always appreciate your suggestions and ideas. As noted above, we may use feedback or suggestions submitted by the community without any restriction or obligation to provide compensation for them or keep them confidential.
All submissions are subject to editorial selection criteria.
Smartphone journalism
Smartphones put a complete production studio in your pocket. And with a little practice and access to a few key tips, even you – yes, you – can start recording great footage, blogging, or even record an indie film or documentary using just smartphones.
Improvements in video and sound quality have made cell phone cameras the go-to tool of both ameteur and professional videographers, and even filmmakers in recent years. In addition to a valuable tool for use with a professional camera, a handheld gimbal makes any cell phone video look like a professional production.
An Indonesian pop band “Seventeen”performing on the beach at the Tanjung Lesung Beach Resort in west Java was swept away when a tsunami hit on Saturday, December 22, 2018. This video footage recorded with an iPhone appeared on Facebook shortly afterwards. The next day it appeared on all major news channels.
Indonesian pop band "Seventeen"performing on the beach hit by tsunami
The iPhone continues to be a seismic disruptor in the photography world with a sensor and camera software so sophisticated, photographers and videographers are producing beautiful, publishable work indistinguishable from more expensive dedicated cameras. A growing number of television commercials are being shot with iOS devices giving everyone an extraordinary opportunity to participate in the news gathering process as a photojournalist, photographer or videographer or create documentaries and even movies.
Improvements in video and sound quality have made cell phone cameras the go-to tool of both ameteur and professional videographers, and even filmmakers in recent years. In addition to a valuable tool for use with a professional camera, a handheld gimbal makes any cell phone video look like a professional production.
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